Here are a list of tools that you may find useful while you are in NUS.

Before entering NUS

Before entering NUS, if you have some free time, I would recommend you guys to check out some special term courses that you can take. This courses count for credits so that you can clear modules before school even starts.

  1. iBloc Returning NSF: A program for returning Full-Time National Servicemen (NSmen) who wish to have a head start in university education and transition back to academic life.
  2. Special Term: A special term that allows students to take modules during the vacation period. (Yes this includes before you enter NUS)
  3. List of Special Term courses: A list of modules that are available during the Special Term.

If you are new to NUS

If you are just starting out, getting to know course registration is very important as there will be no emails sent to tell you how to do it. Please take a look at this to understand how they work. They are the main way that you will register for your courses.

  1. How CourseReg Works: A guide to using CourseReg for module registration and how the system works

While you are in NUS

Module Planning

For module planning, the most popular website is NUSMods. Before the start of every semester, the modules for the next semester will available in NUS Mods.

Usually NUS Mods is sufficient for planning. However, if you still require other tools, feel free to take a look at the other websites which are available below.

  1. NUSMods: A tool to view NUS modules, timetable, and module reviews.
  2. CourseRekt: A tool to view vacancies of NUS modules from past Module Registration Rounds.
  3. NUS Optimizer: A tool to help you plan your timetable.
  4. CourseReg Schedule: View official coursereg schedule


For those who are seeking internships, there are multiple websites available to find jobs. Here are some of the aggregated websites which I have used to look for jobs/internships.

In the future, when I have more time, I will add in more places to look for jobs.

  1. Sushinoya Summer Tech Internships: A list of tech internships available in Singapore.
  2. My Job Board

Telegram Groups

Telegram is the main social platform that are used by NUS Students. To look for telegram groups for different activities, please take a look at the links below

  1. Academia.Tools: A collection of telegram groups for NUS Students.
  2. Telenus: A list of NUS Related Telegram Groups.
  3. Uni Telegram Groups (Reddit Post): A list of Telegram Groups for NUS, NTU, SMU, SUTD, SUSS, MIT.

After you graduate

After graduation, there are still many things that are offered by NUS. There are e-resources as well as further education opportunities.

  1. NUS Alumni Portal: A portal for NUS alumni to make use of NUS E-Resources, Book NUS Facilities and more.
  2. NUS Lifelong Learning: A portal for NUS alumni to continue learning and up-skilling.